A friend suggested it would look good as a t-shirt as well so we’ll see, that might be in the works as well.
Alphonse Mucha was an amazing artist and I have wanted to do an homage piece for a long time now. When I came across a photo of Carrie Fisher in her Leia costume with her hands behind her neck, I became incredibly preoccupied by how great it would look drawn in the art nouveau style and just had to get to work on it. The idea started out simply enough but it took on a life of it’s own and suddenly every planet, moon or asteroid Leia could be seen on during the movies was added, along with the corresponding moons, sun, planets and even the Death Star and the remains of Alderaan after it’s destruction. Some of the celestial bodies didn’t have very clear descriptions so I improvised a little here and there, but hopefully it passes muster with the more die hard Star Wars fans.

I didn’t find very many images of the flora of the Star Wars Universe, but I did find a very small drawing (from what looks like a Ewok comic) of the Sunnydew, a nectar producing flower from the planet Endor and since that’s where we last see Leia (who knows what the new movies will bring!) I thought it was an appropriate choice.

Here are some work in progress pics, some close up detail pics, the photo I used as reference as well as a pic of the legend card that will come with the print. Stay tuned for the live Etsy link to the print! –S.
Edited to add: A friend sent me this link on Facebook this morning of another Mucha inspired Leia piece, it’s gorgeous! I love how it says “Cancelled” at the bottom.
Edited again to add: Prints and legend cards have been ordered and should be up for sale next week. I will post the link once it goes live!
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[…] stylized animated character look a little more realistic. I wanted Ahsoka to look more like the Leia and Padmé drawings and less like she does in the Clone Wars serials, but it’s not like I […]