I’m participating in the Reddit Secret Santa Gift Exchange for the first time this year and I’m pretty excited. It looks like my Santa has already shipped my gift and I should get it tomorrow!
I’m still waiting for the gifts I purchased for my giftee to arrive this afternoon. I had the items shipped to me so I can gift wrap them and decorate the box before I ship them to my giftee. It seems more personal than drop shipping directly and much more fun! I am going to include an original sketch with the items as well. My giftee is into some of the same stuff I am so it makes this whole process more enjoyable.
My next post will be the unboxing of my gift from my Santa as well as images of the boxing for my giftee. I’m looking forward it! I might even make a little playlist for some inspiration while I wrap the gifts and decorate the box.
While the Reddit Secret Santa gift exchange is closed for this year, it’s not too late for you to participate in the festivities. Reddit has several other gift exchanges going on throughout the year. You can even become a rematch Santa for someone who participated in a previous exchange but didn’t receive their gift. I sent some prints to someone as a rematch gift in the Star Wars exchange. It was gratifying to send a gift to a stranger with no expectation of getting anything in return other than knowing it made someone’s day. And the ‘thank you’ post in the gallery is nice too. Give it a try!

I hope you join in on the fun. I’ll follow up with my next post on Saturday morning and we’ll see what my Santa sent me!
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